
PSaber application

in RECRUITMENT 3 years ago

Call Sign: PSaber

Age: 46

Internet COnnection: Upload - 6.2Mbps Download - 12.6Mbps Ping - 13 ms

Timezone: UTC, UK

Availability: once per week available days could be a Wednesday/ Thursday/ Saterday - depending on work.

DCS time: guestimated UH-1: around 100 hours, Gazelle: around 20 Hours, Black Shark: around 10 hours. 

DCS Editor knowledge: basic mission set up level. 

Preferred chopper: UH-1  - bought the Hind but my PC specs are not quite there yet - upgrade is in the works though.

Expectations: I want to become a better virtual pilot, I want to expand my flying knowledge and learn from others, I want a challenge. I am tired of flying around randomly by the seat of my pants or playing the same quick action missions over and over again. I was lucky to find out about Black Shark from a video done by HeliSimmer, prior to that did not know or think groups like this existed. 

Chopper love - where it all started. I remember at 13 reading Chicken Hawk and that was it, I was hooked. I read what I could, which at the time was very limited, almost all books being dedicated to planes. (Over the past few years this has improved greatly with new memoirs such as: To the limit, Vietnam: a tale of 2 tours, Vietnam Saga, Gunship Ace and so on.) As things go, life got busy and then busier and knowingly and unknowlingly I started to set aside certain things. A Huey "combat" flight in Cape Town South Africa, reignited that rotor love - alright I did 2 could not help myself - watch their intro video and you will know exactly why. I then stumbled on DCS back in 2015 and slowly I have been building to my set up - from basic joystick to Warthog set up, Rudder peddals, VR, latest addition goose neck extension for the cyclic. PC upgrade and collective are on the to do list.  Thats it VR rotor flying is here to stay. 

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